The meeting is not legally held if there’s not enough board members. This article gives some suggestions on how to ensure the quorum required for board meetings so you can make decisions with legitimacy.
Although perfect attendance at every board meeting is rare and quorum is a guarantee that decision-making accurately reflects the opinions and needs of all stakeholders. It helps avoid the negative ramifications of minority rule in which directors from a small number could have a significant influence and can take unilateral decisions which don’t benefit the organization or its stakeholders.
Most organizations have quorum rules stipulated in their bylaws. The rules can be different but generally they include an amount of directors who must be in attendance for an quorum. Certain bylaws could also contain exceptions to the rule that apply to certain situations or certain kinds of meetings.
Consider things like the size of your board or the difficult task of getting all your members together simultaneously in determining the percent of quorum. When setting the quorum requirements, it is important to strike a balance between being flexible and ensuring legitimacy, since there aren’t all members likely to be present at every meeting.
If the quorum isn’t reached at the start of a board meeting, the chair should wait for a few minutes and see if more members show up in order to reach the minimum number required. If it becomes clear that the quorum cannot be reached the chairman should announce that there’s not a quorum, and that there will be no business of any kind will be held at this meeting.
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